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«The official rules of the «bobu club» program»

1. Definition of terms.

1.1 the Organizer that defines the conditions and rules of using the Bonus Account and provide management and organization of all procedures that are an integral part of the functioning of the loyalty Program "bobu club".

1.2. Loyalty program "bobu club" (hereinafter – Program) the emoluments of Members/Users the Bonus Account by providing them with benefits and Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that can be used as a discount when you purchase goods at the Point of sale or from Program Partners.

1.3. Bonus Account is a virtual Depository Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) of the User, which may be deducted Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) and during the calculation for the goods, and which can be credited of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) when users perform the conditions of their receipt.

1.4. User Account (hereinafter the User) - a legally capable natural person over 18 years of age, is a citizen of Ukraine, and has Accepted the terms of this public offer.

1.5. Partner Program are business entities which, according to the terms and conditions of participation in the loyalty Program "bobu - club" includes Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) and/or provides them with the opportunity to receive other incentives. The current list of Program Partners, if available, is posted on the website

1.6. Personal User (hereinafter – PNU) – a unique number that is assigned to each User in the format of Ukrainian GSM operator that is required to identify the User in the information system of the Organizer.

1.7. . Bonus hryvnia (bonuses/bonus UAH/bonus RUB") is a virtual unit, which is charged to the User and nekopics on his Bonus Account and can be used in the calculation of the goods, to receive the discount. Bonus hryvnia is not a currency and cannot be exchanged for cash.

1.8. Application form - electronic registration document (questionnaire), which is located in the Personal account of an authorized visitor and filled with the last to register and be eligible to use the Bonus Account.

1.9. Point of sale – online store

1.10. Transaction - a transaction for payment of goods ordered by the User on the website.

1.11. Verification of telephone numbers (hereinafter – Validation) – confirmation by the User specified during registration of your phone number of any Ukrainian GSM-operator to prevent unauthorised access to the Bonus Account of the User.

1.12. Public offer - the offer of the Organizer, addressed to Users/potential Users, accept the terms of these rules, on certain conditions below.

1.13. Online shop (Website) as a tool for presentation or sale of the goods by making an electronic transaction in a telecommunications network at

1.14. Acceptance - full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer/User of the terms of the Public offer by verification of phone numbers. The moment of Acceptance the Buyer's choice of such an option in the appropriate section of the online store on the website

1.15. Profile - a service with which the buyer has the opportunity to obtain information about the order, purchase and Bonus Account of the User, as well as other activities undertaken by the buyer on the website of the online store.

2. General provisions

2.1. These Rules are a contract of adhesion according to the article 634 Civil code of Ukraine.

2.2. Loyalty program "bobu club" is not gambling, lottery services in the gaming sphere.

2.3. Loyalty program "bobu club" operates on the territory of Ukraine, excluding the temporarily occupied territories and areas which the Operation is conducted the combined forces of the APU*
*In connection with the adoption of the law of Ukraine "On ensuring rights and freedoms of citizens on the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine" dated 15.04.2014, the law of Ukraine "On peculiarities of state policy on ensuring state sovereignty of Ukraine on the temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions" from 18.01.2018, of the law of Ukraine "On special order of local government in certain districts of Donetsk and Lugansk regions" from 16.09.2014, № 1680-VII and the Resolution of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "On the recognition of individual regions, cities, towns and villages in Donetsk and Lugansk regions temporarily occupied territories" from 17.03.2015, No. 254-VIII

3. Terms of use Bonus Account

3.1. Any individual that meets the requirements specified in paragraph 1.3. this Offer is eligible to become a Participant of the Program "bobu club" and to join use the Bonus Account through a valid and reliable Questionnaire for User verification of private mobile phone number and acceptance of the terms of this agreement. The fulfillment of the conditions specified in the contract is mandatory for all Participants of the Program "Bonus Account" and the User's Bonus Account.

3.2. The user's Bonus Account are eligible to earn Bonus hryvnia (bonuses). When making purchases at Points of sale, the User's Bonus Account are eligible to get discounts, the size of which is set by the Organizer and is calculated on the base of accumulated and used by the User Bonus hryvnia (bonuses). In fact been calculated and provided discounts, same Bonus hryvnias amount (bonuses) will be charged by the Organizer from the Bonus Account of the User.

3.3. The user's Bonus Account are eligible for additional benefits that are provided or set by the Organizer according to the rules of promotional and marketing activities.

3.4. The user gives his unequivocal consent to the collection, processing, storage and use of their personal data by the Organizer according to article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On personal data protection" provisions of the current legislation of Ukraine and conditions of this Offer.
Access to Personal data the User may have only authorized representatives of the Organizer.

3.5. Information about the conditions and rules of using the Bonus Account is public and is posted on the website

3.6. The main User ID of the Bonus Account in the information system of the Organizer is his surname, name and patronymic, as well as Personal User name in the format of Ukrainian GSM-operator.

3.7. Bonus Account is intended for personal use by individuals. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) cannot be transferred, sold, to obtain payment including cash, or any other way to dispose of it.

3.8. Date of commencement of use of the Bonus Account is the date of Acceptance of the present Rules of the Program "Bonus Account" and the conditions of use of the Bonus Account on the website

3.9. Personal User name valid as User ID in the system during the entire period of use of the Bonus Account.

3.10. Every User's Bonus Account may at any time cease to use the Bonus Account (block it) and refuse accumulation and use of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses).

To do this you must send the waiver request from the use the Bonus Account on the website and enter in the appropriate field SMS code sent to a Verified mobile number of the User.

After blocking the Bonus Account, all the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) accumulated by the User, will be void without possibility of recovery. The Bonus Account is blocked to unblock can not be. Blocking is possible only in case when the entity that sends a request to lock the bonus account coincide with the data recorded in the information system of the Organizer.

3.11. In the case of changing mobile number the User must Verify the new mobile number on the website in the Personal Cabinet.

3.12. In case of late informing the User about the change of mobile number, the Organizer is not responsible for any transactions conducted on the Bonus Account of the User to the receipt of the information.

4. Start using the Bonus Account

4.1. To start using Bonus Account, a potential User should:

1) to Be an adult capable physical person and having the citizenship of Ukraine

2) Be registered/authorised visitor

3) Reliably and correctly fill in the registration form

4) Pass the Verification procedure of the mobile phone number by typing in the appropriate field on the website confirmation code which is sent by the Organizer to the User in the SMS message to the mobile phone number specified by the User for Verification

5) to Accept the terms of this public Offer.

4.2. Procedure verify the mobile phone number of the User is confirming its agreement with these program Rules, the "bobu club"

4.3. After successful completion of User registration in the information system of the Organizer is assigned a Personal Number of the User who granted a User the Bonus Account and the Bonus Account activated.

The user is informed about successful completion of registration and obtaining the status of the User's Bonus Account by submitting messages to the website and by sending an electronic letter to the email address of the User specified in the Questionnaire.

4.4. Verification of mobile phone number is only available for number formats, Ukrainian GSM operators.

5. The rights and obligations of the Organizer

5.1. The organizer has the right to unilaterally suspend or terminate the Program "bobu club", or change the terms and conditions of use of the Bonus Account at any time. In the event of termination of the Program, all the Bonuses available in the Account of the User at this point can be used within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of the public offering of the relevant information on the termination of the Program on the website

The organizer is obliged to publicly notify Users of any changes in the terms and conditions of use of the Bonus Account by posting information on the website not later than 30 (thirty) calendar days prior to the entry into force of such changes.

Public posting of information on any changes to the terms and conditions of use of the Bonus Account on the website considered the fact of informing Users about these changes.

5.2. The organizer has the right to refuse a potential User's desire to use the Bonus Account, delete or discontinue the Personal User number and block his Bonus Account in the following cases:

5.2.1. The use or attempted use of User Personal Numbers the Personal account, Bonus Account in a way that is not consistent with the Rules of the Program.

5.2.2. Any reasonable suspicion of the Organizer of abuse on the part of the User on the use of the Bonus Account.

5.2.3. The lack of active actions of the User within 180 days.

5.2.4. Other circumstances which the Organizer will be considered sufficient for refusal of the User to use the Bonus Account.

5.3. The organizer is not liable for any loss or damage that may arise as a result of such action.

5.4. The organizer has the right to unilaterally deduct from the Bonus Account the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that have been erroneously transferred or related to the purchase, which was canceled in case of return of goods, as well as in the event of fraud and /or negligent actions of a User with a Personal User Number or Bonus Account.

6. The use of personal data of the User.

6.1. The information specified by the User in the Questionnaire (name, date of birth, mobile number, e-mail, mailing address, etc.), is his personal data. The User's personal data are confidential information, collection and further processing of personal data carried out by the Organizer in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On personal data protection", other normative-legal acts of Ukraine.

6.2. Your acceptance of these rules, the User voluntarily provides to the Organiser listed in the Questionnaire personal data for registration in the information system of an User the Bonus Account and with the aim of supporting long-term cooperation with the Organizer. The user also agrees to the use of his personal data for processing orders to purchase goods of the Organizer, to receive promotional and special offers, information about promotions, sweepstakes, other information about the activities of the Organizer (commercial partners). For the purposes provided for in this paragraph, the Organizer has the right to send letters, messages and materials to the postal address, e-mail User, Push notifications and also send sms, make calls on specified in the Questionnaire of mobile number.

6.3. For the purposes of clause 5.2 of the Rules, the User consents to carry out the processing of personal data, including: recording the personal data in the database of the Organizer (without additional notice), to carry out a life data storage, their accumulation, updating, modification (if necessary). The organizer undertakes to ensure the protection of data from unauthorized access by third parties, not to distribute and not to transfer data to third parties (except for the transfer of data to related parties, business partners, persons authorized by the Organizer for the implementation of immediate processing of data for specified purposes, and also at the mandatory request of a competent public authority).

6.4. In case of change of personal data, the participant must provide the organizer with the updated information by calling the hotline of the Organizer or by making changes to the section "Personal data" Personal User account on the website In the case of non-fulfilment of this requirement the Organizer is not responsible for any adverse consequences related to the use of outdated data.

6.5. The user directly after registration or at any other time can a ban (restriction) for use of his personal data. To do this, the User must contact the telephone hotline of the Organizer with appropriate notice. The user is also granted other rights under article 8 of the law of Ukraine "On protection of personal data".

6.6. The registration form is not accepted by the Organizer in case of incorrect filling of the data.

6.7. The organizer undertakes to inform the User about its capabilities and reward, however, is not responsible for messages that were not delivered to the User in the result does not depend on the Organizer's circumstances.

6.8. The user consents to send him any information of commercial and / or informational character about the Programme "Bonus Account" or Program Partners, and other consumer proposal by mail, email, telephone and / or SMS.

6.9. User data specified in the Questionnaire are confidential. Have access to the data of the responsible person of the Organizer and the User, and these details may be provided upon request of law enforcement and / or other bodies in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibility for the correctness of the data in the questionnaire of personal data remains with the User's Bonus Account.

7. The order of bonus hryvnia (bonus)

7.1. Every User, when shopping in the online store by ordering through the website or upon performance of the conditions of the Program "bobu club" and/or joint marketing activities and proposals of the Partners has the right to receive Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) to your Account Bonus and other additional benefits if they are determined by Program rules and/or regulations of such marketing activities.

7.2. When a User of the conditions of getting the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) to his Bonus Account will receive Bonus hryvnias amount (bonuses) established by the Organizer for a specific product in a specific period of time and at the time of confirmation of the order item is valid. Bonus hryvnias amount (bonus) to the calculation for a specific product established by the Organizer in absolute or relative value to the cost of such a product and displayed on the website in absolute terms. If the payment of such goods the User has used the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses) to receive the discount, Bonus hryvnias amount (bonus) to the calculation may be listed in respect of the amount paid in cash. Bonus hryvnias amount (bonus) is credited to the Bonus Account of the User in absolute terms.

7.3. The user is able to get into your Account Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) for their actions not falling under the generally accepted definition of transactions of purchase and sale of goods and not accompanied by money relations between the Organiser and User. The size of the Bonus hryvnia (bonus) and the list of such actions is determined by the Organizer and published on the website

7.4. The size of the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), which shall accrue to the Users for purchase of goods and the list of such goods is determined by the Organizer and published on the website

7.5. The activation time, duration and Bonus hryvnias amount (bonus) to be credited to the Bonus Account of the User for the same item or other User activity may differ depending on the conditions currently existing promotional offers and marketing activities.

7.6. The organizer reserves the right, at its sole discretion to determine the amount of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), which shall accrue for the purchase of a particular product and/or other User activity, publicly notify the Users by posting such information on the website or by sending sms messages/e-mails.

7.7. The Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) occurs in the information system of the Organizer to the Bonus Account of the User.

7.8. The Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), the User occurs in case of cash payment for the goods and at calculation of Bank cards.

7.9. In the case of purchase of goods using credit funds (payment in parts) Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), are not charged.

7.10. Accrued when buying goods is a Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) are not available for calculation on the basis of discounts and write-offs from the Bonus Account for 25 (twenty five) calendar days from the date of purchase. Date of purchase is the date of the change of status of the order such goods “Executed”. Upon completion of the specified term, the accrued Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) become available for decommissioning.

7.11. In case of return by the User previously purchased merchandise, Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) used when purchasing this product, come back to the Bonus Account of the User, from which they were previously written off, Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) accrued to the User for purchasing this product, will be void.

7.12. If the amount of monies to be refunded to the User on the basis of return of previously acquired goods exceed the amount of cash that is actually received as payment for such product earlier, hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), which were used by the User to obtain discounts for the goods, returns cannot be returned to the Bonus Account of the User.

7.13. If the product is received from a User in a period of 25 days from the date of purchase, accrued during its purchase of the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses) will remain as INACTIVE until the decision of the Organizer on the return of such goods.

7.14. In the case of exchange User previously purchased goods to the other goods/commodities when the price of the new product/products does not exceed the amount of funds that are actually received in payment for goods, return of the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), used to obtain discounts on goods returned shall be returned to the Bonus Account of the User with which they were charged. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) to be credited for new goods/commodities shall be credited to the Bonus Account of the User according to the charging rules in force at the time of the implementation of the exchange of goods/commodities. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that were accrued in the purchase of goods returned will be deducted from that Bonus Account of the User for which they were enrolled.

7.15.In the case of exchange User previously purchased goods to the other goods/commodities when the cost of a new product/goods exceeds the amount of funds actually received in payment for goods, return of the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), used to obtain discounts on goods, returns cannot be returned to the Bonus Account of the User. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) to be credited for new goods/commodities shall be credited to the Bonus Account of the User according to the charging rules in force at the time of the implementation of the exchange of goods/commodities. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that were accrued in the purchase of goods returned will be deducted from the Bonus Account of the User.

7.16. In the implementation of exchange of goods/merchandise, Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) cannot be used for discounts on new goods.

7.17. Return and exchange of items purchased by the User, shall be within the limits prescribed by the Law of Ukraine "On protection of consumer rights".

7.18. The organizer reserves the right to change the terms of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), notifying the Users in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

7.19. If do not have the required technical and / or other opportunities for Bonus hryvnia (bonus), Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) will be credited to the Bonus Account of the User after recovery of capacity.

7.20. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) cannot be credited in the event of restrictions imposed by the Organizer.

8. The use of bonuses

8.1. When calculating the amount of discounts provided to Users, one (1) used by the User Bonus hryvnia (bonus), gives the User 1 (one) hryvnia discounts.

8.2. The user is entitled to use the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that have on his Account to get a discount when buying goods in sales Outlets, the list of which is set by the Organizer and placed on the website

8.3. The User's use of the accumulated Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), and obtaining on this basis, the discount is only possible subject to the availability of available for use (write-off) Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) to the Bonus Account of the User. The amount available for use Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that is displayed to the User when making the order may be different from amounts available to redeem UAH (bonuses), which was reflected earlier, if the Bonus Account of the User at this time has changed.

8.4. The procedure of debiting/crediting the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) available to Users only when ordering on the Website or other actions that the Organizer set Bonus hryvnia (bonuses). If the processed order is adjusted by the Operator of the Call center Organizer at the request of the User, if necessary, and to prevent illegal and fraudulent acts of third parties, conversion of hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), to the use is within the amount specified by the User in the appropriate field of the electronic form during checkout on the website and can not exceed it.

In case of technical glitches while ordering on the website the User was not able to use the available and affordable for the write-off of the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), it has the ability to use all available for the write-off of the hryvnia Bonus (bonuses), at the time of confirmation of the order over the phone or to abandon the use of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), in this order.

8.5. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) may be used by the User's Bonus Account if there are all the necessary technical and / or other opportunities: there is an Internet connection, electricity, working software, and the like.

8.6. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), you can't use (write off) when you purchase:

● goods purchased on credit or in installments

● gift certificates

● goods subject to payment of which used the promo code

● in the case of actions other restrictions imposed by the Organizer

8.7. The organizer reserves the right to change the list of goods / services, the acquisition of which the User can use the Bonus hryvnia (bonuses).

8.8. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) are not and cannot be a means of payment, in any currency or securities.

8.9. Accumulated Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) cannot be transferred in cash equivalent to the User in cash.

8.10. The organizer is not responsible for the payment of User taxes and other obligations related to the use of the Bonus Account.

8.11. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) that were not used by the User within 180 days of the date of their activation on the Bonus Account, will be deemed cancelled and deducted from the User's account. Bonus hryvnia (bonuses) are deducted in chronological order according to their date of activation.

9. Other conditions

9.1. Period using Bonus Account is unlimited. The organizer has the right to make any changes in the terms of use Bonus Account in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

9.2. Rules are subject to orders of the head of the Organizer and the current legislation of Ukraine. In the calculations with the User, the Organizer holds the right to refuse the User in calculating or Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), in the absence of, at the time of User appeal or technical or other opportunity to do so.

9.3. The organizer guarantees that during receiving, storage, processing and use of data received from the User personal information, it will adhere to the provisions of the Rules and norms of the current legislation of Ukraine. In this regard, the User confirms that he has read and fully (uniquely) agreed with the Rules of the Program "Bonus Account", with reservations as to the receipt, storage, processing and use of information provided in the Questionnaire.

9.4. The user's Bonus Account provides explicit consent that all data, including personal, specified in the Questionnaire, and data made by the User may be received, stored, processed and used by the Organizer and other authorized organizations Organizer and the third parties without restrictions on time and territory, including outside of Ukraine, with the aim of the Program, creating new proposals, consumer research, marketing, information, advertising or other similar purposes, providing the User with information and promotional materials without restriction.

9.5. The organizer reserves the right to deny any use of the Bonus Account at its sole discretion without providing any explanation in this regard and without any negative consequences for themselves.

9.6. The organizer has the right to unilaterally amend these Rules, in compliance with the procedures specified in these Rules.

9.7. The message on the suspension or termination of Program "Bonus Account" and also about changing the Rules of the Program is sent to the User, if it was posted on the Website and/or Point-of-sale and/or routed to the User specified in the Questionnaire e-mail address or mobile phone number.

10. Responsibility.

10.1. The organizer or the Partner of the Program "Bonus Account" is not responsible for the completeness or accuracy of the data provided by the User's Bonus Account. Users are responsible for the accuracy of the provided data.

10.2. The responsibility of the Organizer or Partner shall not exceed the amount of Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), on account of the User and does not include any loss of profit, consequential losses, damages caused to third parties.

10.3. The organizer or Partner shall not be responsible for the work of Internet service providers, telecommunications operators, banking institutions, payment services Visa/MasterCard, in which the necessary information, the data is not received or received with a delay, were lost or damaged.

10.4. The organizer or Partner shall not be responsible for the inability of debit/credit Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), if the name and patronymic and / or surname, phone number or other method of communication is incorrect and / or illegible or changed. However, this User shall not be entitled to receive from the Organizer/Partner any compensation.

10.5. The organizer/Partner shall not enter into any disputes regarding the correctness, timeliness of debit/credit Bonus hryvnia (bonuses), and is not responsible for such actions.

10.6. In the event of a situation that allows for ambiguous interpretation of these Rules, any disputes and / or issues not regulated by these Rules, the final decision is made by the Organizer/Partner, the decision of the promoter/Partner is final and not appealable.

10.7. The User's breach of the Bonus Account of these Rules or refusal of the proper implementation of these Rules (including the Mechanics of the order, timing and the like), is a refusal of the User from the use of the Bonus Account, such person is not entitled to receive from the Organizer/Partner any compensation.

11. A note of caution.

11.1. Please, to avoid misunderstandings, please carefully read these rules.

11.2. According to the requirements article 634 Civil code of Ukraine to agreements of accession, namely the possibility of concluding such a Treaty only by attaching the one hand to offered agreement his participation all Users Bonus balance agree to these terms and agree to comply with them.

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