1. General provisions.

Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ (hereinafter – the Seller), publishes the present contract is a public contract-offer (hereinafter the Agreement), and with the appropriate legal effect, the sale of goods on the official Internet site of the Seller in address both physical and legal persons (hereinafter the Buyer).

In accordance with articles 633, 641, 642 of the Civil Code of Ukraine (hereinafter – CCU) and the Rules of sale of goods on order and outside commercial or office premises, approved by the order of the Ministry of economy of Ukraine dated 19.04.2007 №103, this document constitutes an offer and the fact of the order by the Buyer orally (by phone or in shop, office) or in writing (via website or email) form, and obtaining this order by the Seller is complete and unconditional acceptance of the public contract and information contained on the website.

The use of services and purchase of goods, services online store https://bobu.com.ua/ provides for the consent of the person using the services or buying the goods with the rules, terms, restrictions and other terms of cooperation set out in this document.

By accepting this contract the Buyer confirms that:

A) at the time of purchase of the goods he was 18 years old;

B) information that you provide when you order goods or services, is correct and up to date;

In) provided contact information may be used to inform about changes in work, promotional offers or other information related to the activities of the seller.

Based on the above, carefully read this agreement (the public offer) and if you disagree with any of the terms of the offer, please exit the website.

In this Agreement, unless the contents otherwise requires, the terms should be interpreted in the following way:

"Offer" – a public offer of the Seller, addressed to any natural or legal person, with the purpose to conclude the contract of purchase and sale, on the existing terms and conditions specified in the Contract.

"Goods" – the list of product names presented on the official website of the Seller, but is not limited to only website.

"Seller" – the company that sells the Product in the online store, but is not limited to only website.

"Buyer" – natural or legal person, entered into a contractual relationship with the Seller on the terms specified in the Contract.

"Acceptance" – full and unconditional acceptance by the Buyer of the Contract.

"Order" – individual positions of the assortment list of Goods by the Buyer when placing an order on the online merchant's website or ordered in any other way.

"Courier" – the direct transfer of the goods from the seller to the Buyer is an independent contractor who provides services to the Seller pursuant to a separate signed agreement. The seller takes responsibility for the delivery of the goods.

"Online store" web page of the seller https://bobu.com.ua/

"The place of sale of Goods" Store and warehouse (Seller).

2. The subject of the contract.

2.1. The seller sells the Goods to the Buyer, in accordance with applicable at the time of order placement prices, and the Buyer shall be entitled to pay and receive the Goods in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.2. This agreement is an official document of the Seller and is an integral part of the offer.

2.3. Sale of goods is carried out in the institution of the Seller.

3. The time of conclusion of the contract.

3.1. The text of the agreement is a public offer (in accordance with articles 633, 643 of the Civil code of Ukraine and the Rules of the sale of the goods to order outside commercial or office premises, approved by the order of the Ministry of economy of Ukraine dated 19.04.2007 №103).

3.2. The fact of ordering from the Seller, both independently and with the help of the operator, is unconditional acceptance of the terms of this Agreement, and Buyer further acts as a person who has entered into a contractual relationship. The buyer undertakes to get acquainted with the terms of the contract, the seller is not obliged to inform the Buyer about the existence of a Treaty.

3.3. The date of entry of the Buyer in a contractual relationship with a Seller is the time of ordering, despite the way of order and form of payment.

3.4. At the written request of Buyer the Seller shall execute the agreement signatures of the parties.

3.5. The buyer shall independently and at his own request associated with the seller means that the Buyer have read this contract and agree with him.

4. The price of the goods.

4.1. Prices in the online shop are quoted in the national currency of Ukraine (hryvnia) per unit in accordance with the existing price list.

4.2. The seller reserves the right to change the price of Goods before the registration of the order without warning the Buyer.

4.3. Final is the price indicated by the Manager when ordering.

4.4. The prices shown on the website https://bobu.com.ua/are exploratory in nature.

5. Payment for the goods.

5.1. In case of cash payment the Buyer shall pay the Seller the price of the goods at the time of its transfer, unless otherwise provided in an agreement or contract between the parties.

5.2. Payment of goods and services an online store https://bobu.com.ua/ made in the national currency of Ukraine in accordance with the prices and tariffs set at the time of purchase of goods or receipt of services.

5.3 Payment of goods and services an online store https://bobu.com.ua/ is carried out in accordance with the section "shipping, payment and rates" published on the website https://bobu.com.ua/. Payment will be credited only, subject to the order, published on the website.

5.4. In the case of non-payment, incomplete or untimely payment online store https://bobu.com.ua/ reserves the right to withhold a product, suspension or full default of obligations and thus not liable for possible consequences of such decisions/actions.

5.5. Goods and services are guaranteed and are only available upon receipt of payment the online store https://bobu.com.ua/ (subject to availability at the time of fixation of the importer, physical availability of goods in the warehouse of the seller, possibility of delivery to the warehouse of the Seller or at the address specified by the Buyer). Accepting payment online store https://bobu.com.ua/ has no obligations to the Buyer of goods and services ordered by Seller.

5.6. In non-cash form of payment the Buyer's obligation to pay the value of the goods is considered fulfilled upon crediting of the funds to the settlement account of the Seller.

5.7. In non-cash form of payment the Buyer is obliged to present to the Manager or the courier of the document confirming the fact of payment (payment order, receipt of payment etc.).

5.8. The price of any Item can be changed by the Seller unilaterally. In the case of a price change on the order Item to the Order payment, the Seller shall promptly notify Buyer of such changes. The buyer has the right to confirm or cancel the order. In the absence of connection with the Purchaser Order is canceled within 24 hours since changes in commodity prices.

6. Delivery of the goods.

6.1. The buyer has the right to obtain delivery of the goods through an export (EXW) from the store or warehouse of Seller, or use the services of courier delivery. The seller does not deliver the ordered Goods to the Buyer.

6.2. Pickup by the Buyer from the store or warehouse of the Seller, which will be specified in the order.

6.3. Courier delivery of the order to the Buyer is carried out in coordination with the Buyer and to the specified address.

6.4. Delivery of ordered goods is carried out in all regions of Ukraine except Crimea annexed and occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions unless otherwise stipulated in a prior agreement between the parties.

7. Sale and return of goods and services.

7.1. Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ does not guarantee unconditional fulfillment of the order. All goods and services are provided "as is". Involved technical system (the web page and the site itself https://bobu.com.ua/) may include an undetected technical error, resulting in impossibility of performance of the order, purchase the goods or its failure to perform. In addition, the inability of the order fulfillment or its late performance may result in conditions caused by human factor or force majeure.

7.2. In case of failure or late execution of its obligations in circumstances set out in clause 7.1 (excluding "force majeure") online store https://bobu.com.ua/ responsible to the extent of amounts received from customers in payment for goods or services.

7.3. Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ is not and shall under no circumstances, can not bear any liability beyond the amounts received from customers in payment for goods and services.

7.4. Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ reserves the right to refuse providing of services or sale of goods to the Buyer in its sole discretion.

7.5. Money paid by the Buyer will not be returned in the following cases:

A) the refusal of the customer from the received service or goods after the payment and receipt from the courier;

B) the decision of the court;

C) if this product is of good quality.

7.6. Place of sale of Goods is a shop or warehouse of the Seller.

7.7. Returns:

7.7.1. Return of Goods of proper quality shall be in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On protection of consumer rights" №1023-XII of 12.05.1991 (with changes and additions).

7.7.2. The buyer is entitled to refuse the delivered goods of proper quality within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt of Goods only under the condition that the saved presentation, consumer characteristics of the goods, the factory packaging, labels and design document (electronic document, a receipt, commodity or cash voucher, ticket , pass or other document confirming the receipt of funds indicating the date of implementation of the calculation).

7.7.3. Return of goods of good quality, the delivery of which was made by the carriers at the expense of the Buyer.

7.7.4. The seller must return the money paid without delay no later than 30 days after notification by the consumer on termination of the contract. The consumer has the right not to give up the goods until the return of the paid amount of money. Order of the Ministry of economy of Ukraine No. 103 dated 19.04.2007 of the year "On approval of Rules of sale of goods on order and outside of retail and office space"

7.8. Non-refundable goods, list of which is determined by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine №172 of 19.03.1994 from g

8. Liability to third parties.

8.1. Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ accepts no responsibility for the use or continued use of the goods and services purchased in the online store https://bobu.com.ua/ and with his help.

8.2. Online store https://bobu.com.ua/ is not responsible for the content and quality of the goods sold subject to the availability of certificates of the importer and the documents confirming the purchase of the products in the importer.

9. The rights and obligations of the Parties.

9.1. The seller shall:

9.1.1. Not to disclose any private information of the Buyer and not to provide access to this information to third parties, except cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.

9.1.2. To provide the Buyer the possibility of obtaining a free phone consultation at the numbers listed on the website (https://bobu.com.ua). The consultations shall be limited to the specific issues related to order fulfillment.

9.1.3. The seller reserves the right of non-fulfillment of the order in case of force majeure.

9.1.4. The seller reserves the right to amend this Agreement unilaterally until its conclusion.

9.2. The seller is not responsible for the misuse of the goods the Buyer ordered in the online store.

9.3. The seller is entitled to transfer its rights and obligations under the execution of Orders to third parties.

9.4. The seller is not responsible for the suitability of the ordered Goods to the order of the Buyer.

9.5. The seller is not responsible for:

- changed appearance of the Item;

for a slight mismatch of colors of product may differ from the original product solely because of the different colour transfer monitors of personal computers separate models;

for the content and truthfulness of information provided by the Buyer when placing the order;

- for delay and disruption in the provision of Services (order processing and goods delivery) that occur for reasons beyond his control;

for unlawful actions taken by the Buyer through the access to the Internet;

- for transfer by the Buyer of its network identifiers, IP, MAC address, login and password to third parties;

9.6 the Buyer undertakes to:

9.6.1. The time of treatment in online store https://bobu.com.ua/ read the contents of a Contract-offer, terms of payment and delivery on the store website.

9.7. Ownership of the Order, as well as the risk of accidental damage or loss passes to the Buyer upon delivery of the goods.

10. Force majeure circumstances.

10.1 the Parties are relieved from responsibility for default or inadequate execution of obligations under the agreement while the force majeure. Under force majeure refers to extraordinary and insuperable circumstances that impede the fulfillment of obligations of the parties under this Agreement. They include natural phenomena (earthquakes, floods, etc.), circumstances of public life (war, state of emergency, the largest strikes, epidemics, etc.), prohibitive measures of public authorities (prohibition of transportation, currency restrictions, international sanctions, trade bans, etc.). During this time, the parties have mutual claims and each party assumes its own risk the results of force majeure.

11. Copyright.

All text information and graphics published on the website of the online store (http://bobu.com.ua) are the property of the seller and/or its suppliers and manufacturers.

12. Information and its use.

12.1. The buyer is obliged to provide accurate and truthful information in the amount necessary to provide the services and/or purchase goods, which he receives or buys. Information provided by the Buyer, if necessary, can be published in open sources.

12.2. Online store bobu.com.ua has the right, at its discretion, require the Buyer documentary evidence of the authenticity of the information provided.

12.3. Inaccurate information or failure to provide such information on demand online store bobu.com.ua may be cause for suspension of services or sale of goods. In this online store bobu.com.ua not responsible for any damage caused by the Buyer in case of suspension of\the failure of services or sale of goods in case of default of paragraph 12.1.

12.4. The seller collects and processes personal customer data (namely: surname, name, patronymic of the Buyer, address of delivery; contact numbers, email address etc) in order to:

- fulfillment of the terms of this Agreement;

- delivery of the ordered products.

12.5. By Ordering products through the online store https://bobu.com.ua/the Buyer gives consent to the collection and processing of such information.

12.6. Access to personal data of the Buyer are the only persons who are directly involved in the execution of the Order.

12.7. The seller undertakes: to comply with confidentiality in relation to personal data of Buyers; to prevent the unauthorized use of personal data of the Buyers by third parties; to prevent access to personal data of Buyers of persons, not directly related to the execution of the Request, except in cases stipulated by the current legislation of Ukraine.m

12.8. Privacy policy and personal data protection